What to do after first date?

Here are some quick tips on what to do after the first date. First things first, don’t be afraid of approaching a girl and speaking to her. If you haven’t already done so, then this is the time to do it. Don’t try and be too cocky or come off as some sort of wimp. In fact, if she was totally nervous and scared that you would turn her off, then you would have never gotten out of your own way. Treat her as you would treat a friend, and even if it doesn’t completely go well, you will at least know that you overcame your insecurities and had fun.

After the first date, don’t be afraid of approaching her again. The second date will be even more relaxed and enjoyable, and you should definitely be able to take some new experiences from it. However, don’t push things too hard right away and start smacking her around too much. This could potentially cause her not to want to see you again, so keep things friendly and light.

If you really want to make sure that she agrees to see you again, then you should definitely be the one to pick up the phone and call her. At this point, things should be completely normal. However, don’t immediately invite her over to your place. Instead, find a secluded location where you can have a private conversation without anyone else around. If you were both on your first date, then you will know where this is going to be convenient for you.

If all went well on your first dates, then you may now be wondering what to do after that. You shouldn’t be afraid of calling her again. However, you need to tread slowly and make sure that you aren’t intruding or ruining her day. Start with a simple, “Good morning, what’s up.” Don’t ask her out on a date immediately either; you should definitely give her time to think about it. Don’t worry about waiting until the end of the date, either; if she wasn’t that into you on the first dates, then she probably won’t be on the second.

In fact, she may even turn you down for not being the exact person that she was expecting on the first date. This doesn’t mean that it’s your fault or that she doesn’t like you; it’s just the nature of relationships. You need to understand that women have different expectations based on how they met. If she met you through an internet dating site or an acquaintance, chances are that she’s already seen you in person before and that your physical attributes are exactly what she’s expecting.

However, what to do after the first date is a very personal question. If it turned out that it wasn’t going so well, you too might consider breaking up and starting over. Or, if you made her laugh at something that you were wrong about, maybe you two could form a long-term relationship. It all depends on you and your situation. You don’t have to live to regret the time that you wasted on that date. Just make sure that you still keep in touch and that you’re not coming to that one too many times.

First date tips

First date tips

If you’re actively dating and meeting lots of women, or searching for that special someone, you absolutely must have your dating skills down pat. And that starts with learning how to go out on first dates. First dates can be frustrating, bland, unexciting, and just plain torturous to some men. But by following a few tips for first-date success, you can make sure that your next date is nothing but an experience you both treasure and remember fondly. Here are some handy first date tips for the man of your dreams:

  • Know Your Expectations – One of the best first date tips for men is knowing your expectations before going out. Do you want to impress a woman, get her number, flirt with her, and get her phone number? Or do you want to be the guy she calls every day to set up a date? Knowing what kind of relationship you hope to build on that first date will help you when it comes time for that first conversation.
  • Practice Makes Perfect – When you prepare for your first date, don’t just sit around waiting for that perfect time. Instead, go out as often as you can, trying out different restaurants, different drinks, different settings. The more you can practice in advance, the better you’ll be at actually enjoying yourself on that first date. This way, you’ll know what things to say, how to react, and what to do when the time arises.
  • Be a Smartdick – There’s no saying you have to follow these first date tips exactly. After all, women like to play hard to get sometimes, so if you aren’t feeling too brave, you may not want to dive right into the dating game right away. On the other hand, you don’t want to appear as a wimp, either. So play it cool and be yourself, but be smart about it. It also helps if you can get some obscure facts about the man of your dreams.
  • Ask Questions – One of the first date tips is to ask questions. You want to get to know the man you’re interested in, so make sure you ask questions about his job, his family life, his hobbies, and more. Don’t worry if you have very little information about him at first, just take the time to learn as much as you can about him. This will show you what kind of person he is and how comfortable he is around others.
  • Be Yourself – One of the first date tips is to dress appropriately for the situation. No one wants to be embarrassed on their first date, so make sure you look great. Women love a confident man, so make sure you project that confidence while you meet him. Don’t try to be someone you aren’t, and don’t let yourself fall into the trap of pretending to be something you’re not.